Sunday, April 29, 2007

The "I" word Returns

In his appearance on "Face The Nation" this morning, Jack Murtha responded to Bob Schieffer's suggestion that congress has no choice but to cave in to Bush on war funding with a typically blunt assessment. He mentioned the four ways that an obdurate president can be influenced, the last two of which are funding and impeachment.

"Surely you don't mean that impeachment is on the table?" Shieffer replied--to which Murtha replied (in effect) "I'm just sayin'...."

You go, Jack. I don't believe it was an offhand comment. I think the democratic leadership in Congress has finally realized the extent to which both time and public opinion is on their side. The smart play, after Bush's promised veto, is to run out the clock on funding until the last possible moment (probably in about 60-90 days)--and propose essentially the same legislation.

During that time, support for Bush and the war erodes even further--in no small part because of further abuses of power that will likely be revealed by congressional oversight. If Bush continues to hide behind 'executive privilege' and empty 'I'm the decider' rhetoric', he may well find that lying about a blowjob ain't the only think presidents get spanked for.

And it'll be about bloody goddam time.

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