Sunday, May 20, 2007

Sunday Talking Head Funnies

This week's Sunday Talking Head Funnies kicked off with a 'debate' on Meet The Press between a couple of guys who could easily pass for each other in a police line-up:
Neither Newt Gingrich nor his sparring partner, Chris Dodd, managed to bring anything new to the debate over Iraq Policy. For every sober assessment of unfolding disaster Dodd had to offer, Gringrich had a classically Republican comeback--smug, smirking, and at variance with the facts. Click here for all the boring, tedious, details.

Somewhat more interesting was the exchange that followed on Face The Nation between Diane Feinstein and Arlen Spector on the ever-lively topic of the worst attorney general in U.S. History. Spector's continued refusal to call for the resignation of the man he has described as single-handedly responsible for rendering the US. Department of Justice 'dysfunctional' tells you everything you need to know about why Republicans have no business running this country. Regarding the upcoming vote of no confidence against Gonzales, Spector seemed to believe that Gonzales would resign before facing such a vote. Why? If Alberto Gonzales had the self-esteem of a two-peso crack whore, he would've resigned months ago.

The morning's festivities ended with appearances on ABC's This Week by Nancy Pelosi and Mitch McConnell that were not any more likely to change anyone's mind than the preceding discussions. Pelosi sounded vibrant and confident, McConnell sounded like a dispirited hack and a loyalist to a failed cause.....which, of course, he is. The only thing standing between this country and virtual one-party rule by Democrats in a year and half is the American preference for divided government.

1 comment:

tea said...

The side-by-side photo of Gingrich and Dodd is priceless. Someone needs to get in touch with Keith Olbermann's personal stylist, STAT!