Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Apparently, I'm Crazy (again).......

One of the dubious benefits of being alive for more than a couple of decades is that (if you're paying attention), you will learn that history very much does 'repeat itself.'

Case in point: for a number of years, it was impossible to question the 'official story' of the Kennedy assassination, numerous holes in that story notwithstanding.....even though The History Channel, et. al. routinely run programming now that reduces the official story to so much swiss cheese. As a precocious child and adolescent, I acquired my own doubts about the Warren Commission Report--and learned very quickly not to talk about it.

Current doubters of the official story of the events of 09/11/2001 are subjected to even greater scorn and vilification than were early doubters of the Kennedy assassination-- just look at what's happened to Rosie O'Donnnell. She has doubts about the official story, as do I. She goes public with her doubts...and gets measured for a tin-foil hat. I wasn't crazy in 70's (well, not too much), Rosie isn't crazy now (well, not too much). But we are crazy as a culture if it takes another three decades to get past yet another 'official story' that any bright thirteen year old can see for a scam.

For Rosie's own current comments on the matter, click here.


Anonymous said...

I also question the official story but am not ready to accept Rosies. I can only hope that when she puts on her aluminum foil cap she remembers "Shiny Side Out"

earthwirehead said...

I admire her willingness to go public with her skepticism, I just wish she could accurately quote her sources (no one ever said that 'fire doesn't melt steel'.....but more than a few people have pointed out that jet fuel ain't hot enough to do the job.....not without a little help).

I'm still forming my thoughts on the subject--and my head is shiny enough already.

tea said...

You might get a big kick out of Alex Jones' review of O'Reilly's comments:


My favorite is about how he's interested in "protecting America from hateful comments"!!!